In the aftermath of the Kavanaugh hearings and protests – spread Bob Avakian’s vision and work… a radically different Constitution for a radically different and far better world…

A fascist regime in power is breaking up the ruling norms of American society… violating the Constitution, concentrating inordinate power in the executive branch.  Many who oppose this are told the best thing to do is desperately cling to those norms while the ground is being ripped out from under us.

But what are these norms?  Where do they come from?  And is a better world, with different ruling norms, possible?

[twocol_one][button link=”” size=”xl” color=”orange”]Download this Call as PDF for flyering[/button][/twocol_one]

[twocol_one_last]In this current situation, be part of introducing millions to an understanding of the Constitution, law and rights under [/twocol_one_last]
the present capitalist society… and what Constitution, laws and rights would be in a future, liberating socialist society – envisioned by Bob Avakian, the most radical revolutionary on the planet and architect of the new communism.

Millions have been watching the proceedings in Washington, as a fascist is treated as a legitimate candidate for and now elevated to the most powerful court in the US.  This will mean a nightmare for women, for LGBTQ people and for everyone.  This is the Handmaid’s Tale world brought to our doorstep.  Brett Kavanaugh is a Christian fascist and a “Constitutional originalist” – someone who adheres to the intent of the Constitution as it was originally written – a Constitution that is, as Avakian puts it, “a slaveholder’s vision of freedom.”

A radically different and far better world is possible. This is envisioned, and concretely mapped out, in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, written by Bob Avakian.

The Bob Avakian Institute will be making a major push to bring these two important works by Bob Avakian to important audiences right now:

The Constitution for The New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal).  Click here to read.

Constitution, Law, and Rights – in capitalist society and in the future socialist society. Selections from the writings of Bob Avakian including excerpts from the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal)Read here.

Set up tables outside of court houses and at protests in your city; reach out to law schools that have just gotten back in session.

Get out thousands of copies of this flyer for these two works that can change what people think is necessary and possible.


Click here to order copies of The Constitution for The New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal) to distribute. 

Order Constitution, Law, and Rights – in capitalist society and in the future socialist society through Amazon or
RCP Publications, a licensed distributor
Box 3486 Merchandise Mart
Chicago, IL 60654-0486

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Bulk rates available.  Send inquiries to