In the fall of 2012, Bob Avakian gave a series of talks in different cities. This is a film of one of those talks, produced by The Bob Avakian Institute in 2013.

“Those this system has cast off, those it has treated as less than human, can be the backbone and driving force of a fight not only to end their own oppression, but to finally end all oppression, and emancipate all of humanity.”
—From the film
See the complete film, trailer and excerpts at
“My dear brother Bob Avakian… is the Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party…. He is one of the few coming out of the 60’s who never sold out, he never caved in, he never gave up, held on to his forging of a rigorous, scientific analysis of the objective realities that are driven by a revolutionary love – because he has such a deep love for poor people, oppressed people, all around the world. Whether you agree or disagree with our brother, one thing you cannot deny: that he is the real thing. No doubt about it.”
–Cornel West, introducing his interview with Bob Avakian
on the Smiley & West radio show (October 5, 2012)
“Yes, this is a film, but that is not its essence. This is a daring, substantive, scientific summoning to revolution. 6+ hours that can change how you see the world and what you do with the rest of your life. Is this hype? No.”
—from one of the filmmakers
Rev. Robert B. Coleman, Chief Program Minister and Minister of Social Justice The Riverside Church in the City of New York: “Engage in the dialogue and critical synthesis yet unfolding.”
My conversation with Bob Avakian and my reading of his strategic plans for revolution have been challenging to say the least. To begin the conversation with focused attention on the poor and the marginalized fits my religious and biblical sensibilities. To give voice to the voiceless; to empower the powerless… these things speak to my heart as an ordained pastor and theologian. We may diverge on the various strategies employed to achieve a more just society. We may be identified by our disconnect when it comes to religion in general and Christianity in particular. But, there is great benefit in engaging in the dialogue, listening to Avakian’s critique and proposal for change, and discerning your place in the ordering of society as we move into the twenty-first century. Go, listen and learn. Engage in the dialogue and critical synthesis yet unfolding. The uncritical support of any public figure or philosophy is folly. And the test of effective strategy shall not come without intense interaction and dialogue.
Dr. Ulysses Crockett, Dean of Instruction, Carlton R. Innis, III, Community Law School, Oakland, April 15, 2013:
The film was wonderful and every segment was important. The length was necessary because Bob Avakian doesn’t always get the opportunity to speak to the people in the audience. We have to do outreach to those unfamiliar with what Bob Avakian was talking about since there’s the fascist control of the media, which makes many people brainwashed.
Bob Avakian is a commanding speaker. He’s passionate and his talk lent credence that he was serious about what he was saying. The talk had coherence. It was illuminating. Now the job is for you, I and others who are sympathetic to get it to others who are unfamiliar with it.
The film was very well done and I liked that he talked about how the government was like Nazi’s.
I appreciated the audacity of Bob Avakian’s talk. For Bob Avakian to have retained his passion for all these years and to do something about it is admirable. Bob Avakian has that spirit and his genuineness and believability came through. He believes in this and that gives it credibility.
Warrior Woman For the Revolution, April 13, 2013: “I was very shocked that this white boy was very real and knew a lot about Black life”
When I first was introduced to BA’s teachings, I was very shocked that this white boy was very real and knew a lot about Black life. Listening to BA, I felt that he knew just what I was going through and up against day after day. I was very interested in what he had to say and I wanted to find out more about this man who I heard and seen on video. I observed a lot of things that was not right about this society and he did too. He caught my attention when he actually spoke on the subjects like domestic violence, police shootings, corruption, unfair laws, injustices, things that everyone is facing and can relate to. BA speaks from the heart with passionate, he speaks on a level in which anyone and everyone can relate to, not talking above your head. BA speaks in a way, where you are being taught not preached to or at. He is funny and very intense and leaves you thinking and with your mind challenged and ready for more. BA is simply amazing and made me want to work for the Revolution.
Trying to describe BA and the impact that he has on me and other people is priceless. BA is that nice breath of air that you hope or wish for on a hot day. Some of the adjectives describing BA is the following: extremely intelligent, critical thinker, comic, committed, passionate and everything I would want in a leader.
Nancy Van Ness, American Creative Dance, March 6, 2013: “Bob Avakian Articulates What the Problems Are and a Plan for Changing Them”
Bob Avakian has mastered the art of communicating complex ideas so that anyone can understand them. He articulates what the problems are and a plan for changing them. He does not try to simplify either the ideas or the language to express them. Rather, he relates those ideas to the lived experiences of people, especially the oppressed who are often treated as ignorant and stupid. BA knows that they are not; he actually knows many people who are oppressed, unlike most political leaders.
Though this may sound simple, it is not easy; nor do I find it anywhere else in the U.S. political sphere.
RCP Publications is a licensed distributor of
BA Speaks: Revolution– Nothing Less!
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PO Box 3486, Merchandise Mart,
Chicago, IL 60654
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3 disc set. Total running time: 6 Hours, 18 Minutes $15 (+ $3 shipping charge)
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