“Let’s participate in these important and special screenings of selections from the Bob Avakian Interviews”
[Translation of this letter courtesy of Revcom volunteers and the revcom.us website.]
My Name is Somayeh Kargar, follower of the New Synthesis of Communism, an ex political prisoner in Iran.
The world we live in is no longer tolerable. From the killing of courageous women fighters in Iran or Afghanistan by the theocratic fundamentalist governments or the genocide of Palestinian people, Ukrainian people, by the imperialist states or their lackeys and supporters, or the pains and suffering of the children in Africa, the destruction of the environment, or any other oppressions and exploitations in the world, none of these horrors are necessary, but their continued existence calls for the revolution that we need. We need to transform this situation.
If you want to know what is the capitalist-imperialist system and how it functions and what are the root causes of all these horrors in the world—If you want to know how to make a movement for the revolution we need and how to go forward towards building a New Socialist Republic—let’s participate in these important and special screenings of selections from the Bob Avakian Interviews. It makes no difference what part of the world we live in. This system has bound up all of our lives tightly together, and for liberation and emancipation, we must all fight for each other and to be conscious of our international responsibilities. Let’s by our serious presence and participation meet the challenges and bring our questions.
We have a chance to live in a time that a leader like Bob Avakian has put forward the highest level of the understanding of the science of communism, the New Synthesis of Communism, and gives us the possibility by basing ourselves on that science with the real hope of gaining victories. Avakian says to lead a revolution you need science and art.
If borders would have allowed me, I would have participated with joy, to learn and apply this science as much as I can.
Somayeh Kargar
Former political prisoner in Iran
Follower of the New Synthesis of Communism