Father Luis Barrios
…more important than a wake-up call, it’s a call to action… so we can fight, resist, organize, mobilize against this fascist regime that we have in the U.S.
Matthew Shipp
Avakian skillfully weaves together the unique challenge we confront with the very specific brand of American fascism we face with Trump, the white nationalist Christian fascism of Pence, together with a historical context of how we got here—while issuing a very specific call to action now because this is a true worldwide emergency.
Herb Boyd
Bob Avakian is a compelling advocate for real social change, and the more his voice and vision are exposed—and the film … is a powerful vehicle—the more I’m convinced that others will feel a need to join him on the ramparts.
Ernesto de la Loza
Bob Avakian is a man living in truth. This man doesn’t blink. Avakian’s talk was so penetrating, convincing and compassionate…. use this talk to deal with the fear factor, the apathy, the propaganda machine, the distraction and dumbing down to the max. Instead, refuse to live on the dark side and be focused on stopping this fascism.