The Answer to a Question Raised by Basic Youth

A number of times, when they learn that we revcoms (revolutionary communists) do not believe in god, basic youth have raised things like: If there is no god, how do you wake up in the morning?

The answer is circadian rhythm. (“Circadian” is a Latin language term. It means: approximately a day.)

So what is circadian rhythm? To quote the Cleveland Clinic:

Your circadian rhythm is the pattern your body follows based on a 24-hour day—it’s the name given to your body’s internal clock. This rhythm tells your body when to sleep and when to wake up.

This circadian rhythm—along with the rest of human beings’ bodies and bodily functions—is the result of natural evolution.

There is no involvement of a supernatural being—no god—and no need to invent gods to explain natural phenomena.

(You can find the Cleveland Clinic’s fuller explanation of circadian rhythm on the internet. And the book The Science of Evolution And The Myth of Creationism—Knowing What’s Real And Why It Matters, by Ardea Skybreak, provides a thorough, lively scientific explanation of natural evolution, which can be understood by everyone, including people without a background in science.)

To gain a true understanding of the world, including basic things about human beings and how they function, it is necessary to take up a scientific method and approach. Without a true, scientifically based understanding of the world, it is not possible for people to know why they are in the situation they’re in and how they can change things in a fundamentally positive way.

To break all the oppressive chains on people—through a real revolution—it is necessary to take up and act on the basis of the scientific method and approach of the new communism.

You can learn more about and get seriously into the new communism at, and by watching the YouTube RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show—and getting with the Revcom Corps For The Emancipation Of Humanity—working actively, on the basis of the new communism, for a real, and really emancipating revolution, right in this time we are living in, now.