From two Iranian women, supporters of the International Emergency Campaign to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners NOW
We come from a theocratic fascist country and have experienced living under such a regime, with our own flesh, skin, and eyes. We have been able to escape from that hell, to another. As women who have been fighting for the rights of women in Iran and around the world, we strongly condemn these horrific and vicious attacks against Rise Up, Revcoms and Sunsara Taylor and specifically Bob Avakian. In our view these vicious and orchestrated, attacks on Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights that came just one day after ROE was overturned in U.S. These anti-communist slanders tabloids are based […]
Anahita Rahmani, ex-political prisoner in Iran and supporter of the International Emergency Campaign to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners NOW
The history of America’s crimes is not something that is hidden from the eyes of the people of the world. The democratic and republican governments have worked together all along, united in suppressing and killing freedom fighters and communists almost all around the world. They have always taken political and communist activists to the slaughterhouse under the name of democracy. We have witnessed military aggressions and coups against nationalist and socialist governments, or the McCarthy court and purges of artists and progressive people, under the united plan of both factions within the US government. But the interesting thing is that […]
From a student of Bob Avakian and the R.C.P., active with World Can’t Wait
When the stories came out that RiseUp4AbortionRights was a front run pyramid scheme to finance the Revolutionary Communist Party USA and that its members were cultishly devoted to a single old white man it confirmed my hunch that the Democrats were getting desperate and willing to not only hide the truth, but willing to attack the truth by wrapping it up so tight with their own stench of hypocrisy that the common person would be hard driven to unpack the truth out of it all. And the Republicans, of course, happily deferred to the Dems this dirty work. It plays […]
Why I support Bob Avakian and the Revcoms
Scott Gilbert, a conscious, proud follower of Bob Avakian, acting accordingly Growing up, I hated, HATED, the war in Vietnam and despised what “we” did to Vietnam and the Vietnamese people (I have since come to understand that I am not part of that “we”). I HATED that women could be called “Ho’s and Bitches” and not have control over their own bodies. I hated “red-lining” and all the open and subtle racism built into the world around me. But, I also loved, LOVED, the uprisings in 1965 and 1968 in the U.S., civil rights and women’s rights victories, the […]